I can’t think of a title is my title for this post.

Nothing can separate us from God’s love.

Meditating over that right now.

Romans 8:31-39.

Here is what has been happening lately:

As I sit in the AC in my living room (as it is scorching hot outside- temp is 97 and heat index is 107), watching the Dark Knight with my roommate, sippin’ on some black cherry soda, nodding off and on due to lack of sleep; I am in awe over the message in church today. It was all about God’s love for us and His grace. His grace meaning that there is nothing we can do to make Him love us any less and there is nothing we can do to make Him love us any more. Isn’t that incredible? To have a perfect Father that is holding each and everyone of us, changing our hearts constantly.  The cool thing is, that is what life is about; His love! Not just in church or at bible study but at the grocery store or at the park or anywhere honestly. We can know God’s Endless Love everywhere!

Tomorrow, I begin a long work week but I am resting in this today. And praying that I will remember this important message this upcoming week and every day after. I am soooo grateful to have a job and a job I love! I am so excited to be babysitting two wonderful children Monday and Tuesday night after my other job, too. 🙂 They are so much fun! God always provides in the craziest awesome ways.

After church today we had our first Sunday School meeting with two willing teachers and five aides for Sunday School AND Fun Night! We are so humbled knowing the fact that God orchestrated all of this and that we are able to share God’s love with these amazing children. And at the same time, the kiddos are teaching me more about Christ’s love than I’d ever imagine! God is just so so so so good all the time!

Last night; my roommate and I took two girls from Sunday School camping at a state park for a night; and let me tell you, it was a blasty blast! Late night campfire, nature walks, the beach, sparklers, the dam, listening to the crickets, waking up at 6:49 am in sweat and an aching back, making smores, roasting vegan hot dogs and regular hot dogs for the girls was a night I’ll never forget. Being around God’s creation; both human form and nature form :p; I am so blessed to be apart His plan and purpose. To have the opportunity to abide in His love, endure in His creation, and be silly with one of my favorite eight and ten year olds in the form of camping is mind-blowing!

On Friday, the graduating 2011 class lost another classmate from a long 8 month struggle with cancer. Prior to her death, a precious young man of the class of 2011 was found in Utah about six months ago. Though, I didn’t know the young lady too well; we were in the same focus for the four years of high school and had some classes together; she always had a beautiful smile on her face and had a light about her. I didn’t know the guy much either but he was always so nice during school and worked hard at the local grocery store deli. I always think of him when I walk by the deli and and don’t see him there. My heart and prayers go out to everyone who knew them both, especially their families as they grieve their losses. Death is never easy. God, comfort them through this time and wrap Your loving arms them. I ask for good to come of this as You always create beauty from ashes. Your Love is still shining.

RIP Grace Goblirsch.

RIP Donovan Campbell.

Let Your love stand.

God is a big deal!

“We Jews know that we have no advantage of birth over “non-Jewish sinners.” We know very well that we are not set right with God by rule-keeping but only through personal faith in Jesus Christ. How do we know? We tried it—and we had the best system of rules the world has ever seen! Convinced that no human being can please God by self-improvement, we believed in Jesus as the Messiah so that we might be set right before God by trusting in the Messiah, not by trying to be good.

Have some of you noticed that we are not yet perfect? (No great surprise, right?) And are you ready to make the accusation that since people like me, who go through Christ in order to get things right with God, aren’t perfectly virtuous, Christ must therefore be an accessory to sin? The accusation is frivolous. If I was “trying to be good,” I would be rebuilding the same old barn that I tore down. I would be acting as a charlatan.

What actually took place is this: I tried keeping rules and working my head off to please God, and it didn’t work. So I quit being a “law man” so that I could be God’s man. Christ’s life showed me how, and enabled me to do it. I identified myself completely with him. Indeed, I have been crucified with Christ. My ego is no longer central. It is no longer important that I appear righteous before you or have your good opinion, and I am no longer driven to impress God. Christ lives in me. The life you see me living is not “mine,” but it is lived by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I am not going to go back on that.

Is it not clear to you that to go back to that old rule-keeping, peer-pleasing religion would be an abandonment of everything personal and free in my relationship with God? I refuse to do that, to repudiate God’s grace. If a living relationship with God could come by rule-keeping, then Christ died unnecessarily.”

– Galatians 2:15-21 (MSG)

I read this before I went to bed last night and I was in such awe of God. How he spoke to me through these verses…


This past week, I have been a huge worry wart; just about everything in my life: my current job, my new job I am starting next month, money, my self-image, what other people think of me, my family, my desire to marry and thinking I’ll never get married, desire to travel the world but being “stuck” in a smaller town in Wisconsin, if I am doing His will, etc etc etc. Just silly stuff I have preoccupied my mind instead of Him. If my mind would be on Him and His goodness, my worries wouldn’t be a bother. So, unfortunately, I have a problem with worry. AKA, I have a problem trusting God and trusting that He will make all things right. I am believing this, glimpse by glimpse, that He has everything under control! After all, He did create the entire world. :p He is teaching me through Sunday School, church, my roommates/friends, work, my dog, swimming, nature adventures, kiddos, and all the blessings He has so graciously given me that I take for granted. Reading this scripture struck me in a way where I had a better night of sleep. I usually don’t sleep well so this is a big deal! 🙂 God is a big deal! 🙂

“If a living relationship with God could come by rule-keeping, then Christ died unnecessarily.” Ouch. But so true! This life on earth isn’t about being good, following the law, or keeping the rules. It is about the relationship we have with Jesus. With all my worries crawling toward me, His grace and love is bigger. He is bigger than any problem, worry, doubt, sin we/I have. The amazing thing is that He is the one who works in our hearts and draws us closer to Him; He will do whatever it takes. His love is crazy. My human mind cannot understand His love for me and all of His children but I am so honored to be able to see glimpses.

The funny thing is, just a few months ago, I had a horrible time believing this. I fought and fought His grace and finally (by the Holy Spirit) gave up my fight. I used to think He loved everyone but me. I used to believe that I had did such horrible things in my past, that He couldn’t possible forgive me and what I’ve done. It is a great feeling to know that that isn’t true. He does forgive everyone, including me. His grace and power is the only way I am able to believe this still.

Having the balance between knowing that I am His child and He loves me, and knowing I need Him to live, to breathe is awesome. God is so so so so so good! Going through this life without Him sucks; I’ve been there. Was a very dark place for me. Honestly, being able to sit on my living room floor, listening to NeedToBreathe, and being in awe by this scripture gives me the chills. God is so present in this world; we sometimes just can’t see Him. Not because He isn’t there, but because we aren’t looking- we think we know it all and can control our life. HA. Thank God for knocking my false pride down some levels. Everything I have and am today, is because of Him. Of course, I am going to fall; but His grace catches me.

It is not about being good or pleasing God; it is about the relationship we have with the Lord. And even that, it is The Holy Spirit tugging at our hearts drawing each one of us closer to Jesus.

God, you are absolutely amazing. I am so grateful for my life and the breaths you give to me each second… I am in need of Your guidance and the willingness to be willing to trust in You about everything. “I believe, help me with my unbelief.” Your love is beautiful. Humble me, use me, change me. Above all else, help me live a life for Your Kingdom, and not of my own purpose and plan-because we all know, that just would not work. :p Lord, I am Yours. I love you so much, Jesus. I am consistently learning more about You and I love it! Much love from Your Princess, Erika.

Peace out!

God knows what’s best!

As I read Romans in the Message…

So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. – Romans 12:1-2 (MSG)
Whatever you do, give it to God. For His glory.
Don’t conform to this world but be transformed by God.
Amazing thing is, we don’t do this by our own power or integrity. But by His grace, love, and power, our hearts change. All for His Kingdom.

Loveeeeee Romans!

My own apologies

It is about love. Not about judging someone else’s sin, condemning, acting “holier” then thou, or being perfect. We all have our crap and frankly, being Christian does not change that. We/I have been made new, yes and God is working in my stubborn heart. I am nowhere near perfect. I don’t want to be perfect. If I were, I wouldn’t need Jesus. I am so sorry if I have ever hurt you, judged you, gossiped about you, or had you think I was a better person than you. I am a sinful human being. I cannot emphasize that enough… Screwed up, fallen, sinful=me. Jesus=a perfect, loving, merciful, grace-filled, redeeming, forgiving Father that takes raggamaffins (like you and me) and changes our hearts. This does not happen overnight either. Nor is that any excuse to keep judging, condemning, or hurting. It is not a excuse whatsoever. I ask for everyone to take the stigma off everyone; every group, church, organization, etc- so expectations are stopped from being formed and then broken. And again, I am truly, brutally, and sincerely sorry for my own acts of selfishness and self-desire, and not the acts of Jesus. It really is about love because God is love.

How I know Jesus is God: Essay 2 for Church Internship

John 3:16. One of the most common known bible verses. Even though, to some, it is only that, a bible verse. “So, what does John 3:16 have anything to do in my life? I have a great job, nice place to live, and I am nice to people… sometimes. I consider myself a good person and happy most of the time. What does the Bible have anything in it for me?” Believing that the Son of God is Jesus Christ may or may not be a breaking point in your life. But I know for me, it was. I longed to know how I was able to get to heaven. During that time in my life, I didn’t want to live but didn’t want to go to hell, either. What now? Well, I was struggling to believe that John 3:16 is true, that Jesus could actually be God. That confused me- Yes, God created the Earth, Jesus is the son of God who he sent to save the world but they are the same person? Uh, what? Why isn’t any of this making sense? God and Jesus, the same man…but different?

The most significant reason I know that Jesus is God is Scripture, the Bible, His Word; AKA-John 3:16. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his One and only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” – John 3:16. Seems simply enough, right? “So, all I gotta do is believe?” Yes! But that belief doesn’t come from good works- the more people you help, the better job you have, how many doors you open for people at the grocery store, how much you tithe, how many swears words you don’t say. The belief to believe comes from God Almighty Himself. He changes your heart to believe. He changes your heart to help an elderly man across the street, because that’s what He would do. He does it all! I am always running to my written in, torn up, colorful Bible when I am losing sight of my path. Meaning, I am losing sight of who God really is. I turn to scripture when I don’t want to believe the truth of John 3:16 and I continue to hold on to His promises. It’s sometimes difficult to believe that Jesus came to save me. Me? Worn down, screwed up, pitiful, unfaithful me. He did! Jesus wants every bit of you and me! All that He promises are in His Word. I know that Jesus is God because scripture tells me so! Jesus is the son of God, yes, also as one – “I and the Father are one.”- John 10:30.

Another significant reason I know that Jesus is God is The Resurrection. The magnificent, bloody, powerful Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is perfect because Easter is around the corner! No, Easter is not about a creepy Easter bunny hopping around hiding little children’s Easter baskets and pooping pink and yellow eggs. Easter is about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ! If there wasn’t the Resurrection of Jesus than that puts a damper on everything. There would be nothing to live for besides, well, nothing. Yeah, you could continue to live off your drug of choice-weed, alcohol, relationships, lust, porn, work, exercise…but pretty soon that addiction will end and so will your life. There wouldn’t be a “Higher Power” in AA. There wouldn’t be Christmas. There wouldn’t be Easter. There wouldn’t be you or me. Jesus walked this Earth way before ya’ll came tumbling about it. Basically, if Jesus didn’t die and then three days later rise from His death, I would not be writing this essay for an internship at church and studying apologetics. I probably wouldn’t be alive or still wallowing in sin-and not giving a damn. Jesus went to the cross and rose again to defeat death and sin. And He did exactly that! Yes, I still sin. You still sin. But there is no condemnation through Jesus Christ. I will sin everyday till the day I die but I am still going to meet Jesus at the end of my journey on this Earth. Because Jesus loves me so much and loves you so much that He bared the pain, the blood, and the agony of being nailed to the cross so we could have eternal life with Him. We are worth the price Jesus paid! Jesus spoke of His death and resurrection before being nailed to the Cross. Though, some didn’t believe Him-more of “I’ll believe when I see it” type of people. Well, it happened. Jesus was resurrected! Just. Like. He. Said. But aren’t we all sort of “those” people to an extent? We want evidence, physical or scientific evidence to believe anything we are unsure of. We are stubborn, let’s face it. At the same time, the belief of Jesus is God comes to you-from the power of the Holy Spirit. We can have all the scientific, physical hardcore evidence we want but that doesn’t necessary mean we’re going to believe. Though, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is a great start to dig in the “scientific and physical” evidence for Jesus being God! 😉

The third significant reason I know that Jesus is God is music. Yes, music helps me know that Jesus is God. May sound silly but not to me. Music has always been an important part of my life. I’ve always went to music for any emotional I’ve felt, to grieve, or to feel. Whether it may be a worship song, a rock song, or a sappy love song. I tend to lean toward a lot of more Christian artist these days- I feel connected to God when I am able to worship Jesus in my car, at home alone, or in church. I can’t describe the feeling I get when I listen to music all too well but I get chills and goosey bumps many times especially when I am belted out a song that usually as to do with Jesus’ love for His children. When I am feeling helpless and hopeless, music lifts my spirits up. I could be having the crappiest day (which is quite possible in a literal sense at my work) and a song will come on the radio or I will pop in a CD and my worries will fade away. I hear a faint whisper, “I am here”. Music also lets us connect to other people as well. It’s a common ground we can relate on and express our feelings. I do have music on probably 18 hours of the 24 hours in a day. It’s a way I can cry, talk, sing to The Lord. Music is a beautiful mystery to me. Music tells stories, helps me grieve, and helps me understand this beautiful roller coaster called life. Life with Him. Music gives me hope to continue on and a reminder that Jesus is Lord.

Well, I’m falling to my knees, I feel the earth beneath

With the weight of my sin and this crushing unbelief

Could You really love me with all that I’ve done, oh Lord? So hide my face in the shadow of Your wings, oh Lord

Hide my sin from the beauty here before Your throne

Hide my face in the shadow of Your wings, oh Lord

Hide my sin from the beauty here before Your throne

(Hallelujah- Tenth Avenue North)

The fourth significant reason I know that Jesus is God is love. I see love every day, all around me. I see and feel love at my work, church, home, my dog, the morning sunshine, music.  “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” (1 Corinthians 13:4-7) This breaks down love pretty simply. Jesus Christ is love. God is love. Thus, Jesus is God. Love is all you need seems cliché but it’s the truth! Because of God is love and love is all you need; God is honestly all you need! We don’t need our fancy cars, the next iphone, the biggest church, or the next promotion at work. When you have God, He is all you need and He will take care of you. He will fulfill your desires of being a graceful mom, a Bible nerd, a loving wife. Being able to see my own desires fulfilled by God helps me understand and know that Jesus is God. I sometimes long for a non-stressful day at work or to be married, or to be more courageous and bold. Those are just some of my desires and God is fulfilling those, day by day- I may not see it but He put those desires on my heart for a reason, for whatever reason I may or may not know. I’ve had stressful days at work but at the same time have peace. I used to believe I’d never get married or if I did- It’d end in a divorce. My desire of marriage has changed-I want to be married but in His timing and to the man He has chosen for me. He has changed my heart and worthy of being able to get married, one day that won’t end in a divorce. I am becoming more courageous and bold each day. I may not be running down the streets downtown screaming the gospel but God has been teaching my own ways of boldness and courage. All in His timing! Also, that doesn’t mean to sit on our butts all day…waiting for something to happen. Unless, that is specifically what God told you to do. :p Without Jesus, none of this is possible. Without Jesus being God, none of this is possible. Without His love, I wouldn’t be able to let go and let Him. Amen. 🙂


How I know God Exists: Essay for Church Internship


As I sit in my room

curled up,

crying and shaking,

Mind racing.

Run, run, run

Eat, eat, eat

Drink, drink, drink

Smoke, smoke, smoke

End it all.

Anything, anything

Would be, could be, has to be

Better than this!

I have to tell someone,


Someone, please listen to me

I am struggling inside!

I thought this guy was


Yeah, sure was – he knew

Exactly what to do to get

What HE wanted,

Then leave.

Leave me in the cold

With no explanation.

Just like every other

“different” guy.

Drink and smoke to numb to pain away

Suddenly, so confused



My life is over.

I’m done.

I’ve tried the ‘church thing’

Didn’t do much except

Point out my sins

I must




I ain’t no pure Christian

I can’t possibly walk

Through those kind of doors


“Just come and check it out.”

Bible Study after Bible Study,

I sit in silence, wondering my purpose

Wallowing in shame, loneliness, distrust

No where to turn,

Jesus held out His hand to me

And whispered,

“I am here.”






Isn’t working!

Anger and resentment builds

Why God?

Why couldn’t you interfere in sooner?

What is my purpose?

“Come onto me and you will see.”





Overtook my veins

Taking away my

Drugs of choice.

Sat me down in


Now, He gives me the most High

I am filled with The Father’s love and warmth

Living One Day At A Time

Accepting things I cannot change

And knowing

Progress not perfection

Is the way My God works

In me.

            If you couldn’t gather that Jesus literally took me from my co-dependent life style and stole my heart, here are four reasons how I know My God exists. This world can be an ugly place. Murder, rape, abductions, genocides, lying, sin trapped in this place called Earth. I sometimes will get so caught up in all the negativity that I am faced each day. I get in a grumpy old mood that I blame on a sleepless night, busy day at work, a dirty apartment, or my dog going to the bathroom in the house, and then, I miss the whole point of my day. With so much sin and things that I let get to me, I resort typing this two hours before my essay is due for the internship at my church. Typing away, I forget the real reason I am doing this. Am I writing this for others who don’t know reasons why or how an OId Testament God is the same as a New Testament God? Or for those who I judge constantly about their own relationship with Jesus or me- one who thinks I’ve got it all figured out and have the best relationship with Jesus? Rrrrrright.  

Being so blessed to be able to intern in the greatest church of the face of the Earth. No, really. This church literally has saved my life time after time. Apart from being my second home, (first home is my first apartment with my two best friends), this place is filled with God’s grace, love, and humility. I could brag about my second home all day, every day. But then again, getting caught up with boasting about what an amazing church this is, I simply forget what My Father has done. If it wasn’t for Jesus Christ Himself, this church would never exist. And by saying that, yes, Servant of the Shepherd is just one reason I know in my heart that My God exists. I came to this church very broken, stubborn, and hurt. I was bombarded by grace, hugs, and sincere people that have been through same amount of shit I had, plus more. My heart inside started to change. My old ways became somewhat of the past. God literally had swiped me off my feet and had no plans on dropping me off anywhere but in the palm of His hands. His love wiped out any hurt or destruction in my life. I kept coming back to church as if it was a normal part of my everyday living, as it was. Bible Study after Bible Study, I sat in silence continuously wondering my purpose and who was this loving God everyone spoke of. I searched and searched till I couldn’t any longer, I found My Father, a loving, caring Father of the Utmost High. I do not know how to live without God and without Servant of the Shepherd Church, teaching me about love, grace, and recovery. It is my family I never had growing up, a family because of Jesus shedding His blood for me, this church, and everybody else walking through this sinful world. God is the reason SOS stands and remains true to “Serving God by Loving His People”.

            There is this semi-complicated argument called the Teleological Agrument, meaning that the design of the world didn’t create itself; someone must have designed or created it so beautifully. This being God! When you walk outside and hear the birds chirping or the snow falling so diligently, there has to be someone or something that created such a beautiful atmosphere. Now, this is very contradicting compared to the first couple statements I said.  How could a sinful and ugly world be beautifully designed by a mysterious God? Say what? That seems to make no sense at all. And frankly, I have a difficult time believing this myself. But as days go on, I start to believe that My God did create this world, but did not create the sin, suffering, and pain happening in this world. In the beginning, there was this Earth with absolute no sin at all. God created Adam and Eve until they were tempted by the great evil One, Satan himself. The power was greater than Adam and Eve, but not greater than God! God made beauty out of the ashes and sin Adam and Eve endured. He didn’t embarrass them or treat them badly, but instead, gave them clothes to wear. Now if I was God and just got done created a sinless world and a couple that was then tempted and succeeded in sin, I would be pretty angry myself and not want to help, care for or dress them. That is the grace and love God poured onto Adam and Eve! He didn’t yell at them or disown them. I find that simply amazing. Even when sin entered this world, God made beauty out of the ugly. And He continues to do that today. Through my own experience, I am given grace time and time again. I fail Jesus daily but He is always there when I come crawling back to him. This means I don’t have the perfect relationship with God. Though God is perfect in all His ways, my heart is changing because of The Cross and what Jesus did for me specifically. I can’t imagine my life today without knowing there is a reason for everything, even if I don’t need to know that reason. There is a reason the evergreen trees are blowing in the wind and a reason why snowflakes are falling on my nose in the early morning light; because there is a beautiful God that designs beautiful things, including you and every one of His children.

We all have morals. Knowing as a little child what is right and wrong is something that we usually learn from our parents. I have always wondered where the first initial “right and wrong” memo came from. God of course! Who else would be able to have the honor of creating the morals of this world. Sometimes, we get so focused on the wrongs of this world; we don’t see how to be a part of the right. I see wrong as sin, this world and right as God, love, and compassion. I see stealing a candy bar from the gas station as wrong and God’s mercy on me as right. I see gossiping at work as wrong and God’s body of Christ as right. No is wrong and yes is right, right? Possibly. Whenever I am questioning the right and wrong of this world, I look to God has the best teacher and One who will guide me in the right direction of right. I will do wrong all evermore but I have a God of Right that will teach me His ways, not my own. My desires are usually wrong but God changes my heart with conviction, prayer, and His love. I desire to lust but also desire to pray for my brothers in Christ. I desire to lie but I also desire to speak The Truth. I desire to be balanced. I desire to be joyful. I desire to be His child. I’d rather die for the One who died for me than be sucked into the world of wrong. My morals come from His Truth and His Word. Yes, I will stumble with sin and wrongs all the time, but I know that My God is a God of forgiveness, compassion, and grace I am in desperate need of. Because heck, if I was in charge of my morals, I’d be screwed and tattooed and I have enough tattoos as it is. 😉

            I always say your testimony is most reliable evidence of God. Everyone’s story matters significantly. Because of God, I no longer go to alcohol to numb my pain away. Because of God, I no longer smoke weed to laugh my hurt away. Because of God, I no longer let guys use and abuse me. I no longer let myself use and abuse me. Because of God, I am able to care for the elderly and love them like Jesus. People always tell me it takes a special someone to take care of the elderly and I agree, that special someone is Jesus. If Jesus didn’t die for me, my sacrifice of running around like a monkey, answering call lights, helping someone with simple tasks as we think like showering and dressing, and being a companion of those who need it most at times; I wouldn’t be that special someone today. I have a great church family, a mentor, adorable dog, awesome job I love, and passion for God’s children. I have so many blessings I am in awe of. I couldn’t imagine my life without Jesus. I was in such a dark place, even five/six months ago. I am growing each day in Christ. Not by anything I have done accept screw up after screw up until finally I surrendered (by The Holy Spirit). I couldn’t do it any longer by myself. I didn’t want to live. I had no hope at all until Jesus completely melted my heart away. God gives me hope. God gives me purpose. God is my purpose. I feel honored and so blessed to have a church family that loves me for where I am, two beautiful roommates that inspire me, and a loving Father that calls me by my name. My life isn’t perfect but I know I have a God that is and will get me through everything in my path. I heard someone once say, “Nothing can be darker of place then where I was when I didn’t have Jesus in my life”. That holds true in my life and I can see in other’s lives as well. I love seeing Jesus work in others through service, laughter, providing meals, and His abundant love. His work is so relevant in this world. God’s power and grace is much greater than any sin I or anyone has done. God makes beauty out of ashes. He makes wives and husbands out of “outcasts”. He makes missionaries out of murderers. God makes more sense to me each day of my life and I would not change that for anything. He is My Rock, Redeemer, Healer, and Almighty Father that I thought I’d never have, till now. He is one great Dad I am honored to be His daughter. Amen. 



My beautiful roommates and sisters. ^