Stuck like scotch tape.

Right now, I am feeling a bit stuck. And I am unsure why exactly.

Maybe I do,

I have the strongest desire to travel this world, Spread the Gospel, live out of a backpack, help people, love people, be changed every step that I walk.


I am stuck.

Or so I feel.

Working fifty hours a week at two different jobs just so I can pay my monthly bills and to provide for my doggy dog ( who is the cutest ever, by the way :p ).

I don’t feel like I am moving anywhere, sideways, forward, anything.

Just at a stand still.

I probably should spend time in His Word & listen to Him. Give all my attention to Him.

My worry is overpowering me when it shouldn’t be. God has everything under control. So why am I asking him why not yet!?

I’m asking about my purpose, His plan, for guidance, and obedience to Him.

I know I have a purpose- He is my forever purpose.

My heart cries out for The Lord right now.

What am I doing? What am I supposed to be doing right now?

My heart is heavy with burdens; I need Your rest.

Life isn’t about the next Facebook post, or next blog post I do. Or the next tattoo I get. Or the next meal I can eat. Or the next clothing item I can buy at Goodwill.

It is about Jesus and spreading His Holy Love.

I have been working twenty days in a row- will be twenty-seven all together before my next day off- this could have something to do with my weariness, tiredness, and worrisome attitude. But who knows…

Every breathe I take is from You, giving me life, giving me yet another chance to spread Your unfailing Love.

You are Love, God.

My past is not who I am and God’s redemption is not within my understanding. He has done so much and has gotten me through so much- my heart is constantly changing, breaking, growing because of Him.

Yet I am doubting His plans.

That. Or.

My desires are not matching up with my life right now, I guess you could say…

Yes, I love life, don’t get me wrong. I love going to work and taking care of the cute elderly and playing babies and tickles with an amazing young lady who is autistic. My jobs are amazing. I just don’t even know how to describe it… I don’t if I am just being a wuss and not believing God can turn my dreams (His plans) into a reality I can believe or I am not trusting Him that He has a plan (which is a complete lie-cause I know full well He has the world in His Mighty Hands and has plans we can’t even fathom). Man oh man. I am just utterly confuzzled right now.

I shall go spend some time in His Word…

Being still and knowing that He is God.

What are ya’ll working on with our amazing Father?

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