For all the single ladies out there.

This is written to all the single ladies out there.

We as women were created to be loved  & cherished & we are to be loved & cherished by The Creater of Universe!

Unfortunately, we tend (not all women) to think we can find these satisfactions in a man. ‘If I just find the perfect man, all my problems of insecurities with go away because he will fulfill all my needs. He will be my soul mate.’ This is a false fairy tale, ladies. I say this from experience- I thought men would make me happy, which they did for some time & that was the issue, I went into the relationship wanting happiness. Bad idea. :p The relationship always ended. The amazing thing about God, His relationship that He has created with us will never ever end.

The truth is, that men will never completely satisfy our needs & wants. Of course a significant other will make you feel special, loved, & cherished, but if we, as women, don’t know the true love from our Heavenly Father, we will continue to try to find love. & this is impossible.

You don’t need to find it, Jesus already showed what true love is on The Cross.
It is okay to be single! We don’t need a man by our side to know our purpose or worth in ourselves.

This is what I am learning. I haven’t dated in three years & it truly is a blessing. Of course I have some days where I say, “Oh, gosh, it would be so nice to have a boyfriend right now or I would be happier if I had a boyfriend that I could talk to right now.”

Lies lies lies lies lies! I have someone I can cry to & tell all my problems to. I have someone who accepts me for who I am & knows how to satisfy every need I have. & the same with you. & His name is Jesus! God is the one who created our needs, so He definitely knows how to satisfy all our needs! 🙂

He is always near & our purpose is found in Jesus, not in men.

Of course, it is lovely to have that significant other but it is also okay to be single. Embrace it. Learn from it. Grow in it. God has called you to a single life right now for a reason. Seek Him, & God-willing, He will bring the man He perfectly planned for you to be with in HIS timing. While you wait, continue to submit to Jesus.

He will never fail you even though we will fail Him daily.

Jesus is always always always constant.

Even if you are/when you get into a relationship, know the love of Christ for yourself. Know that you have worth in Jesus and your confidence shall come from Jesus.

As I listen to what God is telling me about my single life right now, I hope other women are able to know their purpose in Jesus as well. Embrace whatever season you are in right now. Follow God’s will & know that He loves you so. He wants what is best for you.

Jesus is amazing & He delights in seeing our joy in Him.

Be confident.
Be bold.
Be courageous.
Be lovely.
Be you.
In Jesus.

In Him,